Q: What does Chabad at Wesleyan do on campus?
A: Chabad at Wes helps provide Jewish students with their social, cultural, religious and educational needs. We host delicious Shabbat and holiday family style meals. Rabbi Levi and Chanie provide a welcoming and non-judgmental environment - a real home away from home!
Q: How is Chabad at Wesleyan funded?
A: It is Chabad policy that each center is supported by the community it serves. Chabad at Wes is an independent non-profit (501c3) and is funded and supported 100% by the “local community”, i.e. parents, alumni and friends. It’s only through your support that makes the magic happen.
Q: Do only religious people come to Chabad?
A: Ha! Chabad is a place for all Jews regardless of their affiliations or ties. Many of the students who come to Chabad are not religious, some with a little Jewish education, and others with none at all. One of the exciting things about Chabad is one can meet people from all walks of life.
Q: All this is great, but how do I join?
A: We're open to every Jewish student that moves! Click here if you are a student and want to join the Bot for info on events and resources. Click here if you are a parent, alum or friend and want to be added to our email list.
Q: But wait! How much does it cost?
A: Usually nothing! Just bring yourself and lots of friends!
Q: What is Chabad?
A: Chabad is local, globally.
Chabad Houses can be found in every part of the world, such as, Tasmania, Russia, Hawaii, and Bangkok. Today, there are over 4000 Chabad centers in 50 states and 100 countries.
Standing on one foot, Chabad is a movement and philosophy. A movement that spreads Jewish awareness to all Jews, men and women, old and young. A philosophy that every single mitzvah has infinite value and impact.
Shabbat Dinner FAQ
Q: What happens at Shabbat dinner?
A: Shabbat dinner is a mix of celebrating tradition, eating outrageously delicious food and meeting new people. We do a little song in the beginning, make a couple of blessing and then we dig in. That’s all there is to it!
Q: Do I need to rsvp?
A: If you want to be a mensch, then sure! Sign up to the Bot and rsvp with the key word and you’re all set. Knowing how many people are coming helps us prepare and ensure everyone has a chair and enough food. If you forgot or decided to join at the last minute, that’s fine too. We always make it work!
Q: How should I dress?
A: You can dress however you’d like. No matter what you wear, I guarantee there will be someone wearing something similar. If you ask my opinion, a tad more formal than what you regularly wear is good idea. It shows that we treat Shabbat a bit differently than the rest of the week.
Q: Are there any prayers I’ll need to know?
A: We chant a song in the beginning and in the end. There are books that we use with translation and transliteration to follow along. No worries though if you’d rather not. You can just sit and listen to the Rabbi singing horribly off key.
Q: What happens if I don't know what to do?
A: Don't worry, everyone is learning and one has to start sometime, and what better place than at Chabad? There is always someone willing to help you.
Q: What kind of food is served at Chabad?
A: The best four course meal on campus. Period. The menu differs weekly, but some staples are fresh homemade challah and matzah ball soup. After that, Chanie changes it up from week to week. If you have dietary preferences or allergies, just give us a heads up a day or two before and we will try our best to make sure you leave with as full a stomach as everybody else.